A sweet customer replied to our last newsletter and suggested I use goats to take care of our burdock weed problem.
This brought back a flood of memories…
Once upon a time (it feels like a former life), we began sustainably farming and raising cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, AND we even had a herd of about 100 goats to help with weeding the place (I mean they eat anything and why not harness their unrefined tastes to curb the weeds?)
Well, some things sound like a good idea but don’t always pan out as expected.
You see, goats are also notorious for making fences seem like suggestions rather than real boundary lines.
Jeff likes to say, “If you can find a fence that holds water, then you can hold in goats.”
We used electric line, we even installed tens-of-thousands of dollars-worth of “Goat Fence” around the perimeters of some of our fields to keep the goats from eating our hay crop.
I think you can gather where this story is headed.
One day, the goats got out of our high dollar “Goat Fence” and headed for our neighbor’s house nearby.
They decided that the shiny new Audi parked outside looked like a good mountain to climb so the entire goat herd took turns playing “king of the hill” and conquering that car.
When they were through with it, the poor Audi looked like it had endured the worst hail storm in history. The entire body of the car was dented from all the little goat hooves and needed a full auto body replacement.
OUCH. That ain’t cheap!
That’s just one story with goats…
One time the goats escaped and ate every freshly planted tree in my yard (I still miss that willow tree).
They have also demolished my perennial garden and I’ve probably repressed other memories of the things they destroyed.
Needless to say…I don’t think we’ll be utilizing goat weeding services any time soon.
Goats may sound like a good idea—but we have experienced “when things go wrong with goats.”
Sometimes things aren’t what you expected, and regrets are a bear to handle.
With this is mind, I bet some of you are thinking, “What if I try this Downs Ranch beef and don’t like it?”
Well, we’ve got you covered (unlike so-called “Goat Fence”)
Just so you know, we offer a 100% Moneyback Guarantee on our Beef. If you don’t like it or it arrives damaged, we’ll refund you or replace the product to make it right by you.
We are so confident in our product that we are willing to offer such a guarantee.
Now that you know about THIS Moneyback GUARANTEE, you won’t have to suffer the consequences of regrets.
I highly doubt you will have any regrets once your freezer is stocked with the best grassfed beef you can buy…but JUST IN CASE…the guarantee will save you.
With nothing to lose, make sure you place your deposit for your beef share today.
Deposits are open July 1- September 1st and this is the ONLY BULK BEEF available for the year!
Hope you have a "Goat-Free Day" :-)